By Pamela Foster

Thirteen years ago, we learned of a story about Solomon, a 16-year-old high school football player and Colin Lee, a football coach from Pearl City High School. Solomon was at football practice and had been hit in the chest with another kid’s shoulder causing a cardiac arrest due to commotio cordis. Colin, as the football coach, recognized the signs of cardiac arrest and immediately attached an AED, shocked Solomon once, and brought Solomon back to life.
The story is recorded and shared on the State of Hawaii DOE Save a Life video.
After the recent nationally televised cardiac arrest with the NFL, we started the conversation with KHON about doing a news piece on commotio cordis. I thought of Solomon and Colin’s story and contacted Colin through HFD Training Division to see if he would like to reshare his story from years earlier.
I spoke to Colin, the coach, now HFD, last week and he said that he thinks of Solomon all the time and wonders what he's doing, where he is, and that he's good. Saving someone’s life is a huge life event and stays with you forever. I asked Colin that now that he is with HFD, how many times he has done CPR since Solomon’s event. He said that doing CPR could be a daily occurrence while working on the engine.
After speaking with Colin and him agreeing to reshare his story with KHON, I told Manolo about this story. Manolo contacted Colin and they are scheduled to do a segment on the news about him. Originally, the thought was that if they did the segment and asked if anybody knew where Solomon was that then somebody would contact the station to follow up and Colin could have an update on Solomon.
Well, Manolo called me yesterday and said that it turned out that 13 years ago when the event happened, KHON had interviewed Colin Lee and Solomon’s mom, so they had her contact information. They contacted her to get an update on Solomon.
We now know that Solomon is living in Virginia. He is a supervisor for a warehouse, he's doing well. He's married and has an 8-month-old son. Here's the question for you, what's Solomon’s 8-month old’s name? He named his son Colin….